Join us for an event designed just for you and your leadership team!
Bring your brilliant team with you and join us at Hyatt Lost Pines to think, solve problems of practice, and have a little fun! We'll explore topics related to:
  • Tier 1 instruction
  • High-Quality Instructional Materials
  • Building capacity in your collaborative teams
  • Maintaining a focus on academic growth

The LLS Meet-Up is a great opportunity to refocus and recharge your leadership team as you move through the fall semester. Be ready to share your best ideas, wildest "what ifs", and how you're bringing the leading learning series to life; we know that our best learning happens when we learn together! Space is limited for this event, so sign up now!

Meeting Details
Sept 20 - evening meet up 6:30 pm (optional)
Sept 21 - full day meet up 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa 
575 Hyatt Lost Pines Rd Cedar Creek, TX 78612
book your hotel - $209/night
leading learning series members
$375 per campus for up to 3 participants