What is the Special Education ePLC?

Special educators have a complex job – they serve in multiple roles as teacher, consultant, case manager, and often as supervisor. Due to the steep learning curve, many new special educators report feeling overwhelmed and under supported. And a quarter of them leave within their first three years. First-year special educators who participate in a comprehensive induction program are half as likely to leave the field and report feeling more capable and successful.

This year-long service provides ongoing professional learning as part of your comprehensive induction program for new special educators. Building confidence and competence, it supports new teachers through a learning community – a space to unpack common challenges, reflect on effective practices, and grow as educators.

membership includes:

  • 6 pre-recorded learning videos
  • 3 live webinars with Kathy
  • virtual collaboration opportunities
  • telephone and email support
  • video library 
  • resources 


special educators who are new to profession or new to special education in resource and/or inclusion settings Grades 3-12

The Special Education ePLC 2023-24 service year is
August 1, 2023 - July 31, 2024
2023-24 schedule (live and recorded webinars)
aug 1 getting started – planning your schedule, ARDs, and specially designed instruction (Live)
aug 22 connecting – building relationships with your students, parents, and team
sept 12 collaborating – practical ideas for successfully teaming with your teaching partners
oct 17 making the paperwork matter - aligning your PLAAFPs, IEPs, and specially designed instruction (Live)
nov 7 managing motivation – supporting student engagement, cooperation, and participation
jan 16 supporting struggling readers – what works in teaching students to understand text across content areas (Live)
feb 6 supporting struggling mathematicians – what works in building mathematical fluency and problem-solving
mar 26 accessing science and social studies – supporting understanding of vocabulary and visuals across content areas
apr 16 planning ahead – thinking now with next year in mind