Do you have one or two educators that could benefit from a particular training? Or maybe you want to attend a session to see about bringing it to your district or campus? Open sessions provide an opportunity to get the lead4ward professional learning experience you depend on. Questions? Email or call us at 512.201.2999.

What we're offering

June 10

  • lead4ward 101
  • engaging learners 
  • inspiring action: the principal’s role in the PLC

July 22

  • engaging learners
  • connect the dots for leaders: HQIMs and lead4ward
  • staar4ward for leaders: data to action

July 23

  • social studies+
  • staar4ward in social studies: items to action
  • bridging language and literacy for emergent bilinguals
  • thinking trails: the write STAARt in literacy

July 24

  • first-year teacher
  • CSI (Connecting Standards to Instruction)
  • access4all: ensuring access to instruction for ALL learners

July 25

  • connecting the dots in science: HQIMS and lead4ward
  • bringing the new science TEKS into focus

July 29

  • maximizing your lead4ward field guides
  • being the leader your new teachers need
  • connect the dots in literacy: HQIMS and lead4ward
  • staar4ward for literacy: items to action



July 30

  • connect the dots in math: HQIMS and lead4ward
  • staar4ward for math: items to action 
  • re-imagining specially designed instruction 
  • leveraging growth mindset to support positive student behavior and achievement 

August 1

  • staar4ward for leaders: data to action

August 7

  • first-year teacher


What we'll cover

For details about each session, begin registration and click on the magnifying glass next to that session.

Who, when, where

  • Teachers, Leaders, and Special Educators
  • June 10 - August 7, 2024
  • 3-hour virtual sessions
  • Participants may register for more than one learning session
Note: Make POs payable to lead4ward