Is student comprehension affecting academic learning? Are students struggling to effectively respond in writing to what they’ve learned? Writing responses rely on both students’ comprehension and the skills to articulate answers in their own words, demonstrating their understanding of the content. Discovering and implementing effective strategies to help our students become strategic readers, capable of writing about what they learn, is essential across all content areas. Providing a structured approach to learning ensures that students have a repeatable process they can use to comprehend and respond in any content area!

what you’ll learn:

  • tools and strategies to support comprehension using multiple modes of content delivery
  • proven routines for accessing and comprehending content
  • a process for effectively responding to learning through writing (short-constructed response)


your solution for:

  • improving comprehension and short-constructed response skills that support student learning and success in all subjects
  • providing a structure for learning content so the practice and application are successful
audience: content teachers, campus leaders and district leaders (3-12)
learning mode: in-person
date: October 16, 2024 
time: 8:30am - 3:30pm
location: Dickinson ISD Education Support Center
2218 FM 517 East
Dickinson, TX 77539